フルーツフルイングリッシュ の添削をネイティブインストラクターに頼んだ感想



前回「ネイティブインストラクター」の方に添削してもらいましたが、その率直な感想として、英文の回答をきちんと理解するのには日本語の回答より時間はかかるということです。具体的に、前回自分は「main character is running with sunshine on her face 〜」という文を書き、この部分への訂正として「Since you are referring to a specific character here, the main character of the movie you watched before, the definite article is needed」という回答をいただきました。自分ぐらいのレベルでしかないと、「definite article」ってなんだっけお?となるわけです。そして、調べて「定冠詞」とわかり、あそっか「the」が必要だったのかと理解します。他にも「Relative pronoun」ってなんだっけお?ですとか(関係代名詞でした)、「conjunction」(接続詞)、「Preposition」(前置詞)などでも辞書を確認する必要がありました。








最後に、添削結果が帰ってくるまでの時間ですが、ネイティブ講師:0.98日程度/日本人講師:1.53日程度 とのことです。ネイティブの講師の方が多いのか、自分と同じように日本人の方に添削を頼む人が多いのか理由かわかりませんが、ネイティブの方に頼んだ方が早く回答はいただけるようです。





フルーツフルイングリッシュ 課題添削










A) Usually, I watch Foreign movies instead of Japanese movies, because(B) , I want to enjoy it and learn English at the same time. (C) But, I happened to watch a Japanese movie called Kami no Tsuki on TV. It has a beautiful last part (D) that (E) main character is running with sunshine on her face with a Hymn (F) was so impressed me. Needless to say, I thought that watching (G) movie (H) by my native language makes me understand better than foreign language movies. Simultaneously, I thought my English ability has to be improved so that can (I) listen English just like Japanese. I still have a long way to go.



(A) I usually watch foreign movies instead of Japanese movies, because(B) I want to enjoy it and learn English at the same time. (C)However, I happened to watch a Japanese movie called Kami no Tsuki on TV. It has a beautiful last part (D)in which (E)the main character is running with sunshine on her face with a Hymn (F) that so impressed me. Needless to say, I thought that watching (G)a movie (H) in my native language makes me understand better than foreign language movies. Simultaneously, I thought my English ability has to be improved so that can (I) understand English just like Japanese. I still have a long way to go.



(A) Structure
In English, adverbs are typically placed before the word they modify. Therefore, we should place the adverb ‘usually’ before the word ‘watch’ in the sentence, to describe how often you watch foreign movies rather than Japanese ones

(B) Structure
We only need to place a comma before the conjunction, and not after. Therefore, we can omit the comma after the conjunction ‘because’ here

(C) Structure
We do not use conjunctions to begin single clause sentences. This is known as a ‘run-on’ sentence. Instead, we can use a conjunctive adverb like ‘However’ to show the contrast between these 2 complete sentences

(D) Unnatural wording
Instead of ‘that’, we use ‘in which’ to describe what happens in this scene that you describe, which is the main character runs with sunshine on her face

(E) Article
Since you are referring to a specific character here, the main character of the movie you watched before, the definite article is needed

(F) Relative pronoun
The relative pronoun ‘that’ is used to connect to complete clauses. Here, we use ‘that’ to describe how this final scene of the movie is what really impressed you

(G) Article

(H) Preposition

(I) Unnatural wording
‘Listen’ simply describes ‘hearing’ something. Instead, you can use ‘understand’ to describe being able to hear and understand the meaning of the English you are hearing




Hello, teacher! I wrote “so that can listen English just like Japanese”. I think “just like” is a little casual compared to other words. May I have other expressions? Thank you in advance!



Hey ○○, 
Overall great job, your phrasing and grammar were both very natural. Your most common errors here were quite minor and mostly related to your structure, so please take a look at my corrections and explanations for more guidance. 
To answer your question, first note that instead of ‘listen’, you should use ‘understand’ or ‘comprehend’, to describe how you want to be able to understand or comprehend the meaning of what you hear or listen to in English. Instead of ‘just like’, you can also use ‘the same as~’ to describe have the same understanding of Japanese and English. For example ‘I want to be able to understand Japanese the same as English’. 
Hope this helps ○○ and keep up the great work. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions and thanks for writing! 
Also, well done on your 2nd assignment! I hope you enjoy your time here at Fruitful English and have fun improving your language with us. All of the instructors here are happy to help! Happy weekend!





