普段映画は、邦画ではなく、楽しみと勉強をかねて洋画を観ます。でもこの前、たまたま「紙の月」という邦画をテレビで観ました。その映画は主人公が太陽の光を顔に浴びながら走り、賛美歌が流れるシーンが大変印象的でした。言うまでもなく、日本語で映画を観ることは洋画より理解できます。それと同時に思うのは洋画を観るときも邦画観るときと同じぐらい理解できるように英語の能力を高めないといけないなということです。まだまだ道は長いです。 |
提出した英文 A) Usually, I watch Foreign movies instead of Japanese movies, because(B) , I want to enjoy it and learn English at the same time. (C) But, I happened to watch a Japanese movie called Kami no Tsuki on TV. It has a beautiful last part (D) that (E) main character is running with sunshine on her face with a Hymn (F) was so impressed me. Needless to say, I thought that watching (G) movie (H) by my native language makes me understand better than foreign language movies. Simultaneously, I thought my English ability has to be improved so that can (I) listen English just like Japanese. I still have a long way to go. |
添削結果 (A) I usually watch foreign movies instead of Japanese movies, because(B) I want to enjoy it and learn English at the same time. (C)However, I happened to watch a Japanese movie called Kami no Tsuki on TV. It has a beautiful last part (D)in which (E)the main character is running with sunshine on her face with a Hymn (F) that so impressed me. Needless to say, I thought that watching (G)a movie (H) in my native language makes me understand better than foreign language movies. Simultaneously, I thought my English ability has to be improved so that can (I) understand English just like Japanese. I still have a long way to go. |
(A) Structure (B) Structure (C) Structure (D) Unnatural wording (E) Article (F) Relative pronoun (G) Article (H) Preposition (I) Unnatural wording |
Hello, teacher! I wrote “so that can listen English just like Japanese”. I think “just like” is a little casual compared to other words. May I have other expressions? Thank you in advance! |
Hey ○○, |