フルーツフルイングリッシュ 英文添削「友達とバーに行くの巻」







My friend took me (A)a bar where his foreign friends (B)gathering to have a fun time. (C_)He didn’t let me know that I was overwhelmed by the international atmosphere(_C). Almost all people talked in English, so I tried to speak English too. However, (D_)native speakers’ English(_D) was difficult for me. My friend had lived in L.A. for 7 years and can speak English fluently. On the other hand, (E_)I could not talk well what I wanted to tell everyone(_E). I was sorry (F_)about my poor English ability(_F), but It was a good opportunity to think about (G_)importance of learning to speak English as well as writing and reading it(_G).



My friend took me (A)to a bar where his foreign friends (B)gathered to have a fun time. (C_)He didn’t notice that I was overwhelmed by the international atmosphere(_C). Almost all people talked in English, so I tried to speak English too. However, (D_)native speaking English(_D) was difficult for me. My friend had lived in L.A. for 7 years and can speak English fluently. On the other hand, (E_)I could not tell everyone well what I wanted to say(_E). I was sorry (F_)for my poor English(_F), but it was a good opportunity to think about (G_)the importance of speaking English as well as writing and reading(_G). 



take 人 to ~ : (人)を~に連れていく
「バーに(連れて行く)」ので、to a barとなります。

動詞gather(集まる) → gatheredにします。
gatherはget togetherで置き換えることも可能です。
get togetherを使う場合は、got togetherにします。



「ネイティブスピーカーの英語」という表現ですが、native speakers’ English でも意味は通じますが、
「ネイティブが話す英語」と捉えて、native speaking Englishと表すことも可能です。

お書きになった文章だと「みんなに言いたいことを上手に話すことができなかった」という意味になります。間違いではありませんが、ややニュアンスが伝わりにくいので、I could not tell everyone well what I wanted to say (言いたいことをみんなにうまく伝えることができなかった)とすれば、うまくまとまると思います。

be sorry for ~ : ~をすまないと思う、~を気の毒に思う

I am sorry for my poor Englishで「英語が苦手/下手で申し訳なく思う」と表すことができます。

「~の重要性」は the importance of ~ と表します。

<動名詞-ing>の形で speaking(話すこと)、writing(書くこと)、reading(読むこと)とすると、うまくまとまると思います。

(※but It → but it)



My friend took me (A)a bar where his foreign friends (B)gathering to have a fun time. (C_)He didn’t let me know that I was overwhelmed by the international atmosphere(_C).

My friend took me (A)to a bar where his foreign friends (B)gathered to have a fun time. (C_)He didn’t notice that I was overwhelmed by the international atmosphere(_C).  

(A)前置詞 take 人 to ~ : (人)を~に連れていく「バーに(連れて行く)」ので、to a barとなります。

(B)時制の一致 動詞gather(集まる) → gatheredにします。gatherはget togetherで置き換えることも可能です。get togetherを使う場合は、got togetherにします。

(C)表現 書かれた英文ですと「彼は私が圧倒されたことを(私に)知らせなかった」と解釈でき、いまいち意味がつかみにくいです。「彼(=私の友達)が、私が圧倒されていることに気が付かなかった」という意味であれば、notice(~に気づく、~だという事実に気が付く)を使って表現することが可能です。


Almost all people talked in English, so I tried to speak English too. However, (D_)native speakers’ English(_D) was difficult for me. My friend had lived in L.A. for 7 years and can speak English fluently. On the other hand, (E_)I could not talk well what I wanted to tell everyone(_E).

Almost all people talked in English, so I tried to speak English too. However, (D_)native speaking English(_D) was difficult for me. My friend had lived in L.A. for 7 years and can speak English fluently. On the other hand, (E_)I could not tell everyone well what I wanted to say(_E).

(D)代替表現「ネイティブスピーカーの英語」という表現ですが、native speakers’ English でも意味は通じますが、「ネイティブが話す英語」と捉えて、native speaking Englishと表すことも可能です。

(E)表現 お書きになった文章だと「みんなに言いたいことを上手に話すことができなかった」という意味になります。間違いではありませんが、ややニュアンスが伝わりにくいので、I could not tell everyone well what I wanted to say (言いたいことをみんなにうまく伝えることができなかった)とすれば、うまくまとまると思います。



I was sorry (F_)about my poor English ability(_F), but It was a good opportunity to think about (G_)importance of learning to speak English as well as writing and reading it(_G).

I was sorry (F_)for my poor English(_F), but it was a good opportunity to think about (G_)the importance of speaking English as well as writing and reading(_G). 

 (F)表現 be sorry for ~ : ~をすまないと思う、~を気の毒に思う I am sorry for my poor Englishで「英語が苦手/下手で申し訳なく思う」と表すことができます。

(G)冠詞 「~の重要性」は the importance of ~ と表します。<動名詞-ing>の形で speaking(話すこと)、writing(書くこと)、reading(読むこと)とすると、うまくまとまると思います。(※but It → but it) 





You are doing good! Please do not feel sorry for your English. 




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