フルーツフルイングリッシュ 再びやる気が出たことを英文にして添削してもらいました。




3週間ぐらい日記を書いてなくて、自分に失望した。実際忙しかった上に、税金の問題で市役所と対応しないといけないこともあった。でもそうしようと思えば日記は書けたはずで、結局先延ばしにしていただけだ。再度書くきっかけとなったのはフルーツフルイングリッシュ からのメールマガジンだった。それにはゲーテの文章がいくつか引用されていて、「1日たりとも無駄にしてはいけない」という言葉があった。それを読んだ時に再びやる気になった。努力し続けることが一番大事だということを忘れないようにしたい。



I haven’t written my diary for about three weeks, so I was disappointed by myself. I have been indeed busy at work and had some tax problems to take care of (A)a city office. 

I haven’t written my diary for about three weeks, so I was disappointed by myself. I have been indeed busy at work and had some tax problems to take care of (A)at a city office.

(A)at a city office「市役所で」ということだと思いますので、前置詞atを補いました。 

(B)However, I had some time to work on a diary if I decided to do so, but I didn’t. In short, I procrastinated to write a diary. The (C)chance to write it again is the mail magazine from FruitsfulEnglish today.

(B) I had some time to work on a diary if I decided to do so, but I didn’t. In short, I procrastinated to write a diary. The (C)trigger to write it again is the mail magazine from FruitsfulEnglish today.


the mail magazine from Fruitsful English triggered me to write a diary again.と表現してもいいでしょう。


It quoted some sentences from Goethe. It says “You should not (D)waste even for a (E)day.” When I read it I (F_)was feeling(_F) motivated again. I should not forget that the most important thing is to keep making an effort. 

It quoted some sentences from Goethe. It says “You should not (Dlose even for a (E)single day.” When I read it I (F_)got(_F) motivated again. I should not forget that the most important thing is to keep making an effort. 

You should not lose even for a single day.というふうに訳します。 wasteをつかうのももちろんokです。無駄に過ごす→失う といってもいいと思います。even for a single day singleをつけることによって意味が強調されます。We cannot do without meals even for a single day.

I cannot live without you even for a single day.

(F)「またやる気が出た」やる気がでる、動機づく get motivated motivatedは「動機づいている」という状態をあらわす動詞ですので、「動機づく」という動作をあらわすためには、getを一緒に使います。was feeling motivatedという表現も、「やる気を感じていた」という状態をあらわすので△です。



フルーツフルイングリッシュ 今回はネイティブの方に添削していただきました。







‘m thinking about going to Thailand next August or September. I really like (A)animal, so I want to go to some attractions (B)that you can ride a elephant and take pictures with tigers. However, I’m a little concerned about (C)animal’s situation. I’ve heard about (D)the temple where some frozen tiger cubs were found a few years ago(E) and some elephants are treated like slaves somewhere in Thailand. Before I go there, I should go (F)through actual situation about animals and contemplate (G)to go to such attractions or not. 

I’m thinking about going to Thailand next August or September. I really like (A)animals, so I want to go to some attractions (B)where you can ride a elephant and take pictures with tigers. However, I’m a little concerned about (C)animals’ situations. I’ve heard about (D)a temple where some frozen tiger cubs were found a few years ago(E), and some elephants are treated like slaves somewhere in Thailand. Before I go there, I should (F)think through the actual situation regarding animals and contemplate (G)whether I should go to such attractions or not. 

(A) PLURAL You like animals in general and not just one animal, so let’s pluralize here.

(B) GRAMMAR Attractions are places, so we say “where you can …”

(C) PLURAL Here, we mean the many situations of many animals, so we need to pluralize.

(D) ARTICLE This is “a” temple that you’re introducing for the first time, so we use the article “a” here.

(E) PUNCTUATION We need to add a comma here to mark the pause between phrases in the sentence.

(F) EXPRESSION Here, I think you mean that you want to seriously think about this situation, and “think through” is great for indicating this.

(G) GRAMMAR Here, we contemplate “if” or “whether … or” we should do things.



×(A)animal ○(A)animals の箇所なのですが、冠詞つけるかどうか悩んで無冠詞で書いてみたところ、複数形が正しいと指摘されました。

フルーツフルイングリッシュ のメールマガジンで日本人に一番多い誤りが冠詞とのこと。そのため、フルーツフルイングリッシュではそちらの教材にも力を入れているようでよくメールマガジンで紹介されています。


フルーツフルイングリッシュ によるとネイティブとそうでない人の顕著な違いとして冠詞の使い方にあるそうで、ネイティブは小学生ぐらいになると冠詞の使い方をほぼ間違えないとのこと。