






My cat, Yuki-chan, now 10 years and 9 months old, had cancer in her left eye called melanoma.

I had her examined at several vet with ophthalmology departments, but all the results were the same.

I was so shocked to hear that the treatment would be a removal of the eyeball.
Although I was prepared to take care of her whole life, I was not prepared for the decision to have her undergo such an operation.

Since the high intraocular pressure could cause pain to her or spread to other parts of the body, the vet explained to me that we didn’t have much time to procrastinate.

On January 25, I asked to have my cat surgery to the doctor and he did it.

I had to make a decision for a short time, but I, as the owner, needed to decide what choice was best for Yuki-chan.
I will write about how I came to have her undergo the surgery.

* 英語はDeepLとGrammarlyを駆使して書いております。。。

* I wrote English sentences using DeepL and Grammarly.







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