どういうわけか、母親が冬に自分が実家に来ると思っているみたいだ。実家は鹿児島県の徳之島というところだ。今は埼玉に住んでいるので実家とはだいぶ距離がある。直行便がないため、飛行機を乗り継がないといけない。そのため、往復で10万ぐらいはかかるし自分に取っては全然安くない。数年前から徳之島で始まったボートツアーで冬の間、北極から出産のために温かい海水を求めてやっているザトウクジラに会うことができて運が良ければ子供のクジラもみられると母親に話したことはある。けど今度の冬とは言ってなかったんだけど。1月か2月、お金がかかっても母親に親孝行するため実家に帰省するかどうか真剣に考えている。お金持ちだったらいつでも帰れるんだけどなあ。 |
My mother somehow thinks that I’m going to (A)go (B)homeland next winter. My (C)homeland is Tokunoshima in Kagoshima Pref. and I live in Saitama Pref. There is a great distance between them. I have to transfer flights because there is no direct flight when I (D_)get to homeland.(_D) Therefore, (E_)the round trip fee I need to pay for about one thousand dollars(_E). It’s not cheap for me at all! I (F_)told her before that(_F) “I’ve heard that we can see humpback whales (G)at a boat tour in Tokunoshima that began from a few years ago. The whales come from the arctic region to give birth in the warm sea water during winter. If we are lucky, it’s possible to run into calves. I want to go to it.” I (H_)recognized to say(_H) that, but I didn’t promise to do it next winter. I’m seriously thinking about whether I should go (I)homeland (J)on January or February and take good care of my mother at the cost of money or not. If I were rich, I could go anytime. |
My mother somehow thinks that I’m going to (A)go to (B)my hometown next winter. My (C)hometown is Tokunoshima in Kagoshima Pref. and I live in Saitama Pref. There is a great distance between them. I have to transfer flights because there is no direct flight when I (D_)go to hometown.(_D) Therefore, (E_)I need to pay about one thousand dollars for the round trip(_E). It’s not cheap for me at all! I (F_) said to her before,(_F) “I’ve heard that we can see humpback whales (G)in a boat tour in Tokunoshima that began from a few years ago. The whales come from the arctic region to give birth in the warm sea water during winter. If we are lucky, it’s possible to run into calves. I want to go to it.” I (H_)remember having said(_H) that, but I didn’t promise to do it next winter. I’m seriously thinking about whether I should go (I)to my hometown (J)in January or February and take good care of my mother at the cost of money or not. If I were rich, I could go anytime. |
(A)(I)go to…
(B)「実家、故郷」はhometownといいます。 海外に住んでいて、日本に帰国する、帰省するというのであれば、 go to one’s hometownで、 (D)go to hometown (E)「往復で約1000ドルはらわなければならない」 (F)直接話法 I said to her before, “I’ve heard that ……” この直接話法⇔間接話法の書き換え、 (G)「ボートツアーで」 (H)「それを言ったことを覚えている」 I remember having played with Taro when I was a child.
(J)年月につかう前置詞はinです。 といった具合です。 |
My mother somehow thinks that I’m going to (A)go (B)homeland next winter. My (C)homeland is Tokunoshima in Kagoshima Pref. and I live in Saitama Pref. There is a great distance between them. My mother somehow thinks that I’m going to (A)go to (B)my hometown next winter. My (C)hometown is Tokunoshima in Kagoshima Pref. and I live in Saitama Pref. There is a great distance between them. (A)(I)go to…「~へいく」前置詞toが必要です。 (B)「実家、故郷」はhometownといいます。homelandは「母国」を意味します。海外に住んでいて、日本に帰国する、帰省するというのであれば、go to my homelandでいいですが、今回の場合は国内なので、hometownといいます。
I have to transfer flights because there is no direct flight when I (D_)get to homeland.(_D) Therefore, (E_)the round trip fee I need to pay for about one thousand dollars(_E). It’s not cheap for me at all! I have to transfer flights because there is no direct flight when I (D_)go to hometown.(_D) Therefore, (E_)I need to pay about one thousand dollars for the round trip(_E). It’s not cheap for me at all! (D)go to hometown get toは「~に到着する」という意味です。 (E)「往復で約1000ドルはらわなければならない」「往復で」for the round trip、またはもっとカジュアルに to go and backと表現してもいいでしょう。
I (F_)told her before that(_F) “I’ve heard that we can see humpback whales (G)at a boat tour in Tokunoshima that began from a few years ago. The whales come from the arctic region to give birth in the warm sea water during winter. I (F_) said to her before,(_F) “I’ve heard that we can see humpback whales (G)in a boat tour in Tokunoshima that began from a few years ago. The whales come from the arctic region to give birth in the warm sea water during winter. (F)直接話法” ”をつかった直接話法では、tellではなくsayを使います。 I said to her before, “I’ve heard that ……” この直接話法⇔間接話法の書き換え、 (G)「ボートツアーで」前置詞はinをつかいます。 If we are lucky, it’s possible to run into calves. I want to go to it.” I (H_)recognized to say(_H) that, but I didn’t promise to do it next winter. I’m seriously thinking about whether I should go (I)homeland (J)on January or February and take good care of my mother at the cost of money or not. If I were rich, I could go anytime. If we are lucky, it’s possible to run into calves. I want to go to it.” I (H_)remember having said(_H) that, but I didn’t promise to do it next winter. I’m seriously thinking about whether I should go (I)to my hometown (J)in January or February and take good care of my mother at the cost of money or not. If I were rich, I could go anytime. (H)「それを言ったことを覚えている」「~したことを覚えている」 I remember having played with Taro when I was a child.
(J)年月につかう前置詞はinです。onは日にちと曜日に使います。 といった具合です。 |